What are the best hoi4 infantry templates in general? (2024)

Cavalry said:

Let's say 4 divison attack 4 division. For the attack side, there is a chance that 3 division attack 1 defender, and 1 division attack another 1 defender, there are another 2 defender don't get targeted that hour but can shoot at the attacker.

So 3 attackers add attack together, but only about 50% of their attack, the other 50% attack spread to the other defenders.

That;'s extra bonus to encourage bring AT/AA gun for defenders. Attack already damage organization.

Breakthrough stats defend the attackers's Org. If you have number advantage in attacking as usual then need less breakthrough.

I see, so who they actually attack is random in a way.

I guess it makes sense that if you don't have anti-tank but the enemy has armor you'll deorganize faster.

I see, so the more breakthrough you have, the longer you are able to keep up the attack.

I'll put these here as well because I find it useful as a basics core mechanics to learn.

- The economy law is one of the best laws you can take in the game, war economy is the best and get it ASAP.
- If you find that you lose a lot of civillian buildings because you need to trade for resources you already have, try reducing your trade laws.
- Build first in region with high infrastructure because that will affect how quickly a building is constructed.
- If you increase the infrastructure in a state with resources, you also increase the amount of resources that you get.
- Anti-Air building doesn't target enemy fighters, only enemy bombers or CAS when they are completing a mission in that region.
- Radar is super useful for targeting enemy aircraft and ships as well as enemy units in nearby regions.
- Rockets are crap so don't worry about that.
- Nuclear reactors are really fun but a late-game tech.
- You want to build only civilian factories until 1938 or very early 1939, then you can swap over to military factories but you want to make sure you build civs.
- Getting rid of Consumer Goods is very important so if you have a focus that gets you rid of that do it.
- War Bonds decisions once you are at war will also help you a lot.

- A penalty of under half a year or so is fine for most techs.
- Pick Concentrated Industry if you're confident you won't get bombed or Dispersed Industry if you think you will get bombed.
- The Fuel Refining tech also increase the fuel per oil you get from the ground and oil that you trade not only from the oil factories you build. They're important.
- The late game techs of nuclear and rocketry are only worth as a major nation and not ahead of time as they take quite a lot of time to complete.
- On Weapons & Equipment top line increases their defense and bottom line increases their attack.
- In the special troops the top provies better stats and increases their effectiveness, the bottom allows you to build far more special divisions overall, bottom is better.
- Trucks and Trains are very important to provide supply to your troops. Research early in the game and put a bit of military factories on each.
- The most important techs to start with are the: Electronic Enginnering/Mechanical Computing, and in industry the Production, Construction ones.
- Then go in the synethic technologies if you need them, like if you play Italy or Germany.
- Then move over to either Aircraft or Artillery technology.
- After this point look for infantry technology. After that any special forces that you need, as well as any tank classes that you plan on building.
- All while keeping on top your industry and your electornics to the max.
- Radio is pretty important and also quick to reserach, so if you're waiting for the year to pass by to reserach something new research a radio until then.
- If you have a research that provies an airtime bonus, start research the previous technology before completing the focus, this way the reduction'll add to the next one.

- Each divison has a supply usage depending on its combat width and composition.
- Supplies are delivered to your divisons automatically through Supply Hubs which are connected to your capital by railways. You can see it more clearly with F4.
- The lighter the blue is the more supplies available in a certain province. The darker the blue or the region is yellow or orange then the less supplies is.
- When you add divisions in a province they may consume supplies to the provinces becomes a darker blue or yellow or orange.
- Red or yellow provinces means that those divisions are lacking supplies.
- Based on that they are going to take attriction, so they are going to suffer losses daily sitting there.
- If they are on a blue provice they are fine, if they are in a yellow province they are slightly unsupplied it's not too bad, if it's on a red provice it's bad they take attrition.
- You can also check supplies when you're in the normal F1 mode by seeing whether there's a yellow, orange or red box next to the troops.
- Generally, you want to make sure your divisions have full supplies otherwise they are going to take those attrition damages.
- They also suffer a reduction of their stats in combat including attack, defense and organization.
- How to fix supply? it can come from having too many divisions in a single province so just move them.
- Another way is by building Supply Hubs near the frontline. The more supply hubs you have, the more supplies there will be.
- The problem is supply hubs are expensive, they cost about twice as much as a civilian factory.
- If you do decide to build them, you just need to make sure they are connected by a railway line to your capital.
- You can also increase your naval base to increase your supplies.
- Another thing you can do is increase supplies going to your existing hubs: by upgrading the railways.
- You can upgrade them up to level 5 to increase supplies. This has to be consistent though. If one part of your railway to the capital is level 1 all is level 1.
- You can upgrade the railway by clicking on a supply hub and selecting the upgrade railways button. Or click on the upgrade button on the railway when F4.
- Next thing you can do about supplies is changing your motorization priority: horse > single truck > double truck.
- Each increasing level provides more range to your supply hub and therefore providing more divisions with the supplies.
- You can do the same thing with changing motorization priority from selecting your general and looking next to his portrait.
- Wherever that army travels, the supply hubs will automatically increase their supplies for them.
- Another way of increasing supplies although is more of a last resort is by increasing infrastructure in the provinces where you want those supplies.
- Upgrading your motorization priorities needs you to produce trucks. At the start of the game have a few factories on Trains, Trucks and Convoys.
- Generals have the 4th stat that reduce supplies. And Logistics company reduce a division's supply cost by 10%.They're especially useful on divisions like tanks or large.
- A naval base acts as a supply hub, so in costal provinces it can really be worth it to build a naval base rather than a supply hub. They are 4 times cheaper than hubs.

- Best practice is to pick a spy either with the Seducer trait or if that isn't available just pick a spy that has the most traits to him.
- Some nations have focuses that increase the number of spies particullary USSR.
- In the upgrades: Passive Defense upgrade makes it harder for the enemy to get intel on you and complete opperations and Interogations Techniques upgrade increases the chance of capturing an enemy spy.
- Just building an intel gives you a lot more intel on that nation: on the Intel Ledger.
- You can increase the percentage for each branch by researching the relevant upgrade on the top line upgrade tree.
- Having an intel network also provides combat bonuses for you and penalites for your enemy: +100% to naval invasion and increasing your planning speed, where as the enemy gets -100% max planning factor and -5 entrenchment.
- Moving the spies behind enemy lines can give you an advantage, particullary in defensive wars like USSR or China.
- Quiet Intel Network maintains your network level without actually growing it and also removes the risk of your spy being caught. However you lose combat bonuses.
- You can reduce the chance a spy will get captured with the S pills upgrade or Localized Training upgrade.
- S pills also has a chance of your spy unaliving itself rather than being caputred which saves having to wait a crazy amount of time for them to escape.
- If you have a spy of a different nationality, (which Localized Training upgrade increase the chance of) it reduces the chance of the spy being captured in that country and it also increases your intel gain. This is pretty much mandatory to spy on USSR.
- Boost ideology increase the ideology in your target nation, the stronger the network you have the stronger the gain will be.
- War Propaganda reduces the War Support and Stability on weekly basis on a given nation.
- Root Out Ressistance can be opperated in your occupied territories to reduce the ressistance in that state.
- Control Trade makes it that more of that nation's resources are available to you.
- Diplomatic Pressure allows you to slowly increase that nation's opinion of you. Pairing the Improve Relations with Diplomatic Pressure will open some options to you.
- Anti-Partisan, Diplomatic Training and Psychological Warfare upgrade can make these missions more effective.
- Opperation requires multiple spies and some equipment, one of the most powerful opperations is to steal blueprints by infiltrating army, administration etc.
- You'll have a chance to get a technology in that area that that nation has already completed or a research bonus in that area.
- Once Steal Blueprints is done you'll lose the infiltration so you'll have to complete the infiltration mission again and steal the blueprints once more.
- Invisible Ink and Blueprints Stealing upgrades makes you stealing blueprints opperations more effective.
- Communists and Fascists have another extra opperation "Collaboration Government" very expensive but very beneficial.
- It increases compliance in a nation once you capitulate them as well as reducing their surrender limit.
- You can do this very well with Germany on France and Poland as soon as you start the game.
- Another interesting opperation is Orchestrate Coup, to pull this off you need 20% your ideology in their nation as well as >70% stability for minors or >50% majors.
- After that opperation is completed a civil war will start.
- The bottom line upgrades affects the power of your cryptology.
- Once it's completed it gives you additional intel for that country as well as air detection too.
- And that's just the passive effect. You can also activate your decryption bonus which lasts for 30 days and increases your planning speed against that nation, decreases your naval invasion penalty and gives you a +15% defense bonus against them, and +15% breakthrough bonus against them.
- So it can be good to activate before a major push or if you're being attacked. But after that you'll have to decrypt again from 0.
- The last 2 right-side upgrades for crypto will completely reset the progress that other nations have on you, you can do them right before you start war.
- But don't do the last 2 right away, start with the ones on the left first just until the middle one. And save those on the right for just before you go to war.

General Traits:
- Winter Specialist and Winter Expect are terrible. Winter Specialist is only good to grind for the good Adaptable trait. The other terrain traits depend on the situation. They are nice to have, but the only reason you would go for them is to go to Adaptable. The best of them is Mountainner because montains usually give huge debuffs.
- Skiled Staffer is good but it's very difficult to go for it. Expect Delegator is exactly the same, even rarer than Skilled Staffer in fact.
- Trickster is average, only good because you can get what follows after him. Guerilla Fighter is good for defense, not very good as it doesn't actually increase your entrenchment just the entrenchment speed. But Improvisation Expert is good by contrast, just for that 10% speed and Makeshift Bridges with negates the negatives of small rivers, so go for that one instead.
- Organizer is terrible but if you want to make it a Field Marshal you need Organizer to work towards the good ones from the Field Marshal region.
- Panzer Leader is awesome for tanks. Panzer Expert is not that great because it gives you defense, you don't use tanks for defense. Combined Arms expert instead is awesome, because mechanized already have high defense to begin with and this gives an extra 15%.
- Cavalry Leader is underrated because it also gives you bonuses to Motorized which stacks with Panzer Leader. But Cavalry Expert is terrible.
- Engineer is bad, and it also leads to 2 other bad traits, so stay away from him. Fort Buster is nice but you destroy forts with bombers already. Scavanger is even worse as it only gives you 3%, if it were 10% that were something but 3% is too small to worth.
- Infantry Leader is S tier, the bread and butter, you are going to use infantry most of the time. It even leads to some good traits. Infantry Expert is very good as well, giving you an extra attack to infantry. Ambusher is very good as well, that +5 entrenchment is really really solid. Especially if stacked with Defensive Doctrine.
- Invaders is very difficult to grind. It's an okay bonus for naval invasion but just getting it is absolute nightmare. And then the 2 other upgrades are not that great.
- Commander trait is terrible. It doesn't give attack or defense for special forces. Just less supplies penalties, it's awful. It even leads on to some awful traits as well. Camouflage Expert is good if the enemy has air superiority, but it's very had to get Commander trait and you need that bad trait to get this one.
- So for Generals, the good traits are: Adaptable, Skilled Staffer (but you get it late game), Guerilla Fighter is average for defense, Improvization Expert is good for attack and slightly better than Guerilla because speed and rivers, Panzer Leader is very good for tanks, Combined Arms is a very good follow up, Cavalry Leader is underrated and very good, Infantry Leader is top tier, Infantry Expert is very good for attack, Ambusher is very good for defense, Camouflage Expert is good in the event that the enemy has air superiority but you have to take a Commander for it.
- Charismatic is very good, you recover your division's organization 10% faster when not in combat. Good on both defensive and offensive.
- Organization First is a very good replacement for the radio, it works on the attack and the defense, but there are some doctrines that make this worthless because the game will reinforce either way, so it's worse than Charismatic.
- Defensive Doctrine, very good if you are on the defense, very good for entrenchement.
- Offensive Doctrine, very good if you are on the offensive, to keep the momentum up and very good to stuck with other less org loss when moving traits.
- Aggressive Assaulter is amazing for tank divisions because of the Breakthrough bonus. Not so much of a benefit for infantry though.
- Unyelding Defender is good for a defensive trait but actually not that great, +10% defense is not that great for what defense actually is. Defensive Doctrine is better.
- Thorough Planner is good, it's one of those traits that if you have a free slot and are not waiting for Logistics or Adaptable, it's good to take.
- Fast Planner is completely useless, you never really need that extra planning because you have Staff Office Plan that gives 40% at the cost of some command power.
- Logistics Wizard is the big daddy and OP, even after it was nerfed, this is massive.
- So for Field Marshals, the good traits are: Charismatic, Defensive Doctrine, Offensive Doctrine, Aggressive Assaulter for tanks, Unyelding Defender if you already took the Defensive Doctrine slot, Thorough Planner if you have a free slot is good, Adaptive and the best Logistics Wizard.

What are the best hoi4 infantry templates in general? (2024)


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